New to faith or new to church?

We believe in one God who is kind, gracious, patient and full of love.

We believe that all people are made in the image of this loving God and that he longs to have a relationship with them.

We believe that this relationship is made possible through faith in Jesus and his saving works, as revealed in the Bible.

We believe that the mission of the Church is to introduce people to this loving God, and together to become more like him, loving him and other people in the power of the Holy Spirit

We’d love to meet you.

Wondering what it’s like to come on a Sunday? Find out here

Got questions?
Why not try Alpha?

Do you want to find out more about the Christian faith? Or are you new to St Paul’s Kingston?

Alpha is a 10-week course that creates a space for a conversation about faith, life and God. It’s a great way to meet new people at St Paul’s and explore big questions together.

Each session begins with a shared meal, followed by a short video exploring the Christian faith and then an opportunity for group discussion.

Our next course:

  • When? Starting 22nd January, 2-3:15pm

  • Where? St Paul’s Kingston

  • What do I need to do? Sign up here, or contact the church office for more information.